Doctor Signup -

Doctor Signup

Enhance your service offerings and monitory patient adherence by signing up for Take Meds Now today!

Take Meds Now can connect you to your patients like never before. Our automated medication alerts create a detailed patient adherence history that will enable you to keep up-to-date on all your patients. Being able to closely monitor their adherence can help identify patient trends, measure medication effectiveness, and understand what therapies fail because of poor adherence. Below are just some of the many benefits you will enjoy after signing up for a Take Meds Now account:

  • Multi-level Reporting – measure patient adherence and medication trends across individual and multiple patients
  • Detailed Patient Profiles – understand what medications patients are taking and whether they are taking them properly
  • Summary Level Dashboards – quick views of your most important patient metrics
  • Custom Notifications – send messages directly to your patients
  • Individualized Alerts – customized alerts on a patient by patient, medication by medication basis
  • Mobile Device Support – both iOS (Apple) and Android tablets and smartphones

Click the below button to start the signup process so you can start to use Take Meds Now.

Take Meds Now